Sunday, August 24, 2008

Heading Home

Sorry once again for the extended hiatus from the blog -- I've been absent for obvious reasons, I guess, but also mainly because I've been in Noirmoutier for the past 10 days or so and we're only heading back home tomorrow... I've mostly been away from any kind of Internet access, and I honestly just haven't had the chance to log onto a computer much less check into my e-mail, etc., in ages.

Vacation has been more of just a break away from the city and things back home, but I've been spending all my time with baby Emma and adjusting to our new life together. It's so much of what everyone says: wonderful, stimulating, exciting, exhausting, and overwhelming... There is so much I love about it, but I'm also trying my hardest to try to be more zen, to not be so anxious about everything. But it's SO hard to change one's nature! And I'm definitely an anxious person (yeah, no kidding, right?!).

I'll be sure to update things around here and try to share more about my birth and delivery, as well as Emma's progress and changes, once I get back home and settle back into my routine there. Again, there is so much to share and put down for posterity, so I hope to find a few moments to write about my thoughts and feelings, as well as post more photos.

Hope everyone has been having a wonderful summer -- weather around here on the Atlantic Coast has been variable, changeant and mitigé most of the time, although we had one gorgeous day of warmth and sunshine yesterday. It didn't really make a whole lot of difference for me this year, though, as I spent most of my time inside with Emma anyway!

A très bientôt...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

In Good Hands...

Emma B. & the marvelous Jenn C., talented artist and exceptional friend. I'm so happy that she has been by my side from the beginning of my pregnancy to give me advice and support; Jenn, I don't know what I would do without you!

And even Emma is "en extase devant Jennifer", dontcha think?! :-)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Emma B., 3 Days Old

P1010837, originally uploaded by alwaysace.

My Little Bean blossomed into a beautiful flower!

Thank you to all for your wonderful comments and congratulations. I should really be in bed, but I just wanted to post this very quickly.

Hope to catch up with everyone soon... Emma is beautiful and healthy, and I'm doing my best with juggling the new mom gig at home.

More than anything, I now know what it feels like to have my heart explode with so much love.